Believe in the things you want in your life, listen to your heart and follow your dreams!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Moments Cherished!
We had created a good rapport with all the faculty members in SSi. Joreson was then the Technical leader at SSi(Mulund branch). His birthday was coming closer, the first week of august, we were invited for his birthday, he had asked to tie him rakhi. That was a wish turning true moment. How did god know that i yearned for brotherly love, support, care and confidence? All my friends had a brother of their own and i had none. From then its been 8 years now, i dont know if in real such precious relationships can be maintained so well (Touchwood). I am proud to have him as my brother dearest.
To tell u more about Joreson, hez now working in Oracle,Hyderabad. Married to wonderful person, thats my bhabhi. She acknowledges our relationship, and is a very sweet person and both bhaiyya & bhabhi are very much a part of our family.
There are many more moments that i cherish and they play an important role in ameliorating my life.. There are times when i chuckle into a laugh when i remember his silly acts. God bless bhaiyya & bhabhi. And i pray that i always be a very good sister to him.
P.S: Bala's posts in his blog "Bliss is being loved" inspired me to write my post.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Da Vinci Code!
I decided to blog elements that made me gaze, from the novel, and they are:
Priory of Sion:
The Priory of Sion is a secret society which held the secrets of the Holy Grail.
The knights Templar:
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, popularly known as the Knights Templar or the Order of the Temple, were among the most famous of the Christian military orders.
Opus Dei:
Opus Dei, formally known as The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, is a personal prelature of the Catholic church that teaches the Catholic belief that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The Opus Dei prelature is made up of ordinary lay people and secular priests governed by a prelate. Opus Dei is Latin for "Work of God", and the organization is sometimes known simply as "the Work".
The painting depicts as if Leonardo knew that Mary Magdalene(Jesus's wife) was actually the Holy Grail. This is said to be reinforced by the letter "V" that is created with the bodily positions of Jesus and Mary, whic is supposedly the symbol of the sacred feminine.Mary Magdalene carried the bloodline of Christ when Jesus was crucified. The secret was hidden by the priory in a secret crypt beneath Rosslyn Chapel.
Anagrams: An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce other words, using all the original letters exactly once; e.g., Eleven plus two=Twelve plus one, A Decimal Point=I'm a Dot in Place, Astronomers=Moon Starers. There are four anagrams used in the book, one is the Fibonacci sequence out of order, second and third are "O, Draconian devil!" and "Oh, lame saint!" for "Leonardo da Vinci" and "The Mona Lisa". The fourth "So dark the con of Man" being an anagram for "Madonna of the Rocks".

An ancient word of wisdom
Answer: S-O-F-I-A
Riddle #2 (Black Cryptex)
In London lies a knight a Pope interred.
Answer: A-P-P-L-E
Monday, October 1, 2007
Learn to dream:
Dream to be a dynamo
Dream to live lest your fears
Dream the stars shining for you
Dream if u win the toss
Dream you have the death note
Dream you touched the moon
Dream you have the answers
Dream you are the chosen one
Dreams actualize from the person you are not to the one you are!
So lets dream! :)