India celebrating 60 years of Independence on 15th August, 2007. Thats the general term of retirement at all MNC's and probably all Government offices too.
So is India planning for retirement? Has India taken all measures to get retired? What about the future of the people out here? Aren't the banks, consulting firms , investment firms running around to get this one big client, whose yet to have a proper retirement plan?
Whether India retires or not, the netizens love her to the core. And thats the reason the Indian Flag flies high with pride and the warmth of love in it.
One coincidence that i found out for this Independence day is Inda celebrating 60 years ie 6 + 0 = 6 of independence on 15th ie (1+ 5 = 6) August, 2007 . The number is the same, isnt it a special one ? Jst bcuz i noticed it :)
And since me working for TV18 and IBN7 one of the popular and best News channels , I want all my pals know that its IBN7's first Birthday on 15th August,2007. So i wish IBN7 a very Happy Birthday! and let it always keep people updated with the most happening , important and useful news to all of us. I think all viewers will also wish the same.
Happy Independence Day to one and all!
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